Sunday, August 5, 2007


I now know what the D.C. in “Washington, D.C.” stands for; DEMOCRATS are COWARDS.

I have begun to think of Democrats the same way I imagine the mammals just after the asteroid term-limited the dinosaurs. They are the inheritors of the planet, the new dominate life forms, but they are still scurrying about in the underbrush, still terrified that a Trano-Cheney is lurking behind every tree ready to snap them up, or that a Bronto-Bush will crush them as he lumbers past on his way to the salad bar. WAKE UP, PEOPLE! King Bush is dead. He died in his sleep, of course. Queen Cheney is toothless. Let’s form a line to piss on his grave and down his throat. It’s fun. It’s easy. It’s even safe. Instead, the Demos have yet again surrendered to the Lord High Executioner and his paper sword, and allowed themselves to be driven like a herd of those movie cattle that seem to be in a constant state of “about to stampede.” These guys could have been in Saddam’s Army. They are starting to give surrender monkey’s a bad name.

Look what is going on in the real world, where the reality based media are continuing to avoid talking about the FYI Messaging collapse. A “well-connected Republican political firm” with close ties to the Bushies, that raises cash for the RNC, the National Republican Senatorial Committee and John McCain, is hanging up their brand new call center in Phoenix and layingoff 60 staffers. Fund raising calls for McCain, made to those who had previously supported him were greeted, said one FYI staffer, “like illegal immigrants crashing a Lou Dobbs dinner party”. Ouch.

But blaming the whole drought for the GOP on McCain feels like an easy out; said an FYI staffer, “We weren’t making a profit at it, and we really didn’t see that we were going to turn the corner as soon as we’d intended.” Like, ever? Republican fundraisers not making a profit? That’s un-American. It’s unheard of. And the punch line for this little Republican Horror story, is that FYI had just taken over the business after the RNC closed their own call center this year.

So why, in God’s name, did the Demos in the House fold up like a Fortune Teller’s tent at bachelor party - like a workshop on birth defects at a baby shower? 227 to 183 was the best they could do. Wow. This is like Sitting Bull surrendering to Custer. It’s like Popeye seeing Olive Oil off for a weekend at a swingers club with Bluto. It’s like Hillary Clinton buying a parting gift for Monica Lewinsky.

Meanwhile Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas), the lone anti-war presidential candidate on the Repub side has raised more money from active duty military service members than any other GOP candidate. Hello? Hint, hint, Repubs. The idea that the military supports Bush, or stands behind our draft dodging idiot President is a myth! And I have to wonder how much Paul would raise if he were to get a little more publicity.

And the latest Zogby pole says 54% have no confidence in Shrubs abilities as CIC, and 60% say they don’t trust his judgment. Only 38% have any faith in him, which, I believe, is about the same percentage that refuses to clap to save Tinkerbell.

But only 3% have any faith in Congresses’ war. Yea, me too.

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